Travel to Budapest at the end of December and count down the last seconds together with friends. The city is dressed in festive attire and you can enjoy delicious food and fine wine at the Gala Dinner
Budapest is a popular destination and a great place to celebrate New Year. Both young and old, individuals or groups can enjoy themselves in one of the most beautiful capitals in Europe with good food, fine wine and lots of fun. Stay at the 5 star Intercontinental hotel in downtown, next to the Danube. Take a 4 course Gala Dinner on New Year’s Eve with unlimited beer and wine and dance until the morning light. !
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the flight is not included in our prices. At present, the easiest and cheapest way to order your ticket is directly from the airlines. There are tickets available at e.g. Norwegian, SAS, KLM og Lufthansa .
About he program:
As part of the program you can discover Budapest. An hour’s boat ride on the Danube shows you some of the secrets, interesting history and hidden beauties. The boat is covered by a glass roof and glass walls and is heated.
The New Year Party includeds a welcome drink, a gala dinner midnight buffet and unlimited access to the house red and white wine, beer and soft drinks. It guarantees a perfect evening with a great atmosphere: Hungarian and international food specialties, live music and an exciting program.
After a proper New Year’s party you can also get a 60-minute “Detoxi massage” (it is not included in the package).
The Hungarian capital has many shopping opportunities. There are many high quality large shopping malls and you get tips on where to find the best fashion boutiques in the city. Here are all the famous brands represented and it is possible to find very good deals for those who like shopping. The program has plenty of time for this.
In addition to this program, you can also select multiple services individually from our menu, for example: Wine tasting, SPA treatments, Visit to the famous Szechenyi thermal bath.
Feedback from previous guests: “Hvis du ikke vet hva du skal gjøre neste nyttårsaften, så meld deg på tur til Ungarn, og bruker du Bellanor er du sikker på at opplegget blir kjempe flott. Vi var åtte stykker som reiste nedover. På nyttårsafen var vi på galla middag, og damene kostet på seg sminking og frisør til den store kvelden. Videre hadde vi kveldene avsatt til forskjelllige opplevelser. Ingenting gikk galt under turen, alle taxier som var bestilt på forhånd kom på minuttet. Kjempe deilig å bli møtt på flyplassen og loset rett på hotellet, som forøvrig lå veldig sentralt. Restauranter som ble anbefalt serverte nydelig mat. Topp tur, takket være Bellanor som er helt proffe på dette. Tusen takk, og vi kommer nok igjen!!! Hilsen Nyttårsgjengen”